Current research
Representation in US states
I am working on a series of papers that explore how citizen preferences are reflected in local policies in the U.S.

Empathy and political attitudes
I am working on multiple experiments that explore the effect of interventions enhancing perspective taking on intergroup relations.
Empathy, deservingness, and preferences for welfare assistance: A large-scale online perspective-taking experiment (with Alexander Bor)
Reducing Partisan Affective Polarization through Common Humanity and Perspective-Taking: an online survey experiment in the United States (with Jennifer McCoy and Levente Littvay)
Reducing ethnic discrimination in the sharing economy (with Bori Simonovits)
i also work on a range of papers not directly related to my main research interest. These projects are mainly fueled by my fantastic collaborators.
Democratic hypocrisy: Polarized citizens support democracy-eroding behavior when their own party is in power (with Jennifer McCoy and Levente Littvay)
Discrimination in access to public information: Evidence from an audit experiment (with Bori Simonovits, Gabor Simonovits, Renata Nemeth, Gabor Csomor, Peter Hobot and Adam Vig )